The First International Workshop on Operator-assisted (Wireless Mesh) Community Networks 2006 will be held in Berlin, Germany from Monday 18 to Tuesday 19 September 2006.
The field of Wireless Mesh Networks is eagerly explored by many communities, including established and new/smal operators, free community network activist, and researchers at universities and industry laboratories. Many countries, and Germany in particular, have a rich set of actors in this scene, who have accumulated a wealth of novel technologies, practical experience, and visions of future services and potential business. This workshop will provide a unique forum (1) to capture the current state of the art from the operator's, the researcher's, and the community network activity's perspective, and, (2) to encourage the exchange of ideas, to discuss best practices and upcoming standards, and to raise awareness between these groups, which will hopefully lead to synergy and intensified co-operation rather than simple coexistance.
Latest Update:
Dr. Hossein Moiin, Vice President of Technical Strategy T-Mobile International, will be given a keynote address titled 'Mobile Operators & Community Networks'.
Last modified: August 30 2006