Compact Course (Blockveranstaltung), VL 2SWS
- 2 weeks before official start of semester
- 3h lectures + 3h lab, every day, 5 days a week,
for 2 weeks
- Beginners introduction to
Unix: Command tools and language, help system, working with files
and directories, networking basics, email, world wide web, popular
applications, X11 graphical user interface.
Times and Places: Credits and grading: Prerequisites:
- No prior experience with computers is assumed.
- You need a user account at the computer science
Syllabus:- Introduction
- First steps (login, logout, passwd)
- Help Systems
- Command language
- Shell (sh, bash)
- "." -files
- Working with files and directories
- creating, modifying and deleting files (vi)
- creating and deleting directories (mkdir,
- searching for files and strings (find, grep)
- changing names and attributes of files and
directories (mv, chmod)
- copying files and directories (cp)
- Networking basics
- introduction
- host names
- working remotely (telnet, rlogin, ssh)
- file transfer (ftp, sftp, scp, wget)
- network file system (NFS)
- network information system (NIS)
- Email
- protocols (SMTP, POP, IMAP)
- email user tools (pine, mutt, mail)
- World Wide Web
- browsers (netscape, mozilla, opera)
- browser mail interface
- personal web page
- X11 graphical user interface
- X11 configuration files
- Windows Manager (KDE, GNOME, ...)
- Popular applications
Readings (Books):
- J.R. Levine, M.L. Young. "Unix for Dummies". ISBN
- C. Wolfinger. "Keine Angst vor Unix/Linux". ISBN
- A. Willemer. "UNIX - Ein praktischer Einstieg'.
ISBN 3-898721-1572.
- A. Willemer. "Wie werde ich UNIX-Guru?". ISBN