Abstract: Unix is one of
the most popular operating systems for the desktop and for servers.
Linux is one of the most broadly available Unix systems. Unix is said to
be complicated and user unfriendly. But that is really not true. This
course will demonstrate that knowledge of a small set of tools and
conventions is sufficient to accomplish most task with your computer, in
a short time.
Compact Course (Blockveranstaltung), VL 2SWS
- 2 weeks before official start of semester
- 3h lectures + 3h lab, every day, 5 days a week,
for 2 weeks
- Beginners introduction to
Unix: Command tools and language, help system, working with files
and directories, networking basics, email, world wide web, popular
applications, X11 graphical user interface.
Times and Places: Credits and grading: Prerequisites:
- No prior experience with computers is assumed.
- You need a user account at the computer science
Syllabus:- Introduction
- First steps (login, logout, passwd)
- Help Systems
- Command language
- Shell (sh, bash)
- "." -files
- Working with files and directories
- creating, modifying and deleting files (vi)
- creating and deleting directories (mkdir,
- searching for files and strings (find, grep)
- changing names and attributes of files and
directories (mv, chmod)
- copying files and directories (cp)
- Networking basics
- introduction
- host names
- working remotely (telnet, rlogin, ssh)
- file transfer (ftp, sftp, scp, wget)
- network file system (NFS)
- network information system (NIS)
- Email
- protocols (SMTP, POP, IMAP)
- email user tools (pine, mutt, mail)
- World Wide Web
- browsers (netscape, mozilla, opera)
- browser mail interface
- personal web page
- X11 graphical user interface
- X11 configuration files
- Windows Manager (KDE, GNOME, ...)
- Popular applications
Readings (Books):
- J.R. Levine, M.L. Young. "Unix for Dummies". ISBN
- C. Wolfinger. "Keine Angst vor Unix/Linux". ISBN
- A. Willemer. "UNIX - Ein praktischer Einstieg'.
ISBN 3-898721-1572.
- A. Willemer. "Wie werde ich UNIX-Guru?". ISBN