Summer 2008 | Unix Tools and API [32 212] half-course, 4VL + 2PR VL, Wednesday+Friday, 09:15-10:45, RUD 25, 3.101, Dr. Jan-Peter Bell PR, Wednesday, 11:15-12:45, RUD 25, 3.328, Dr. Wolf Müller |  Computer Science Department Systems Architecture Group
| Abstract: A good deal of useful software comes from other people - often published as 'Open Source'. Porting this software to a new system often requires detailed knowledge of development tools an the system API. This half-course covers the most common development tools as well as the API for Unix systems. At the end of this half-course you will not only be able to download and compile existing software packages; you will also be able to write similar software packages yourself.
| Synopsis:- Half-Course, Praktische Informatik, Hauptstudium.
- Offered regularly, at least once every two years, usually in spring.
- 2 lectures per week, 2h each, over one semester (4SWS VL).
- 1 lab (Praktikum) per week, 2h each, over one semester (2SWS PR).
Credits and grading: - There will be a few, short, unannounced, closed-book quizzes to verify your existence and to test your understanding. These will be worth 40 percent of the final grade.
- An announced final examination will be given at he end of the semester. It will cover all of the relevant readings and material presented and discussed in class. It will be worth 60 percent of the course grade.
- To qualify for the final examination, you have to complete all lab assignments to the satisfaction of the teaching assistant (70% = 35 points).
- Regular class attendance is expected; frequent absences are grounds for a failing grade regardless of other performance. You may be missing up to 1 lecture per semester without prior and reasonable excuse. 'prior' means notification by email before the end of business the day before the lecture. 'reasonable' means sickness or study-related events that require your attendance.
- Lectures begin on time. Students arriving more than 10 minutes late will not be admitted to the lecture and will be counted as 'missing' that day.
Prerequisites: - Successful completion of PI-1.
- For beginners we recommend the knowledge from the Unix Crash Course
Syllabus: UNIX Tools(Script) - RedHat Package Manager (rpm)
- make
- cvs, subversion
- regular expressions
- file utilities (sed, grep, egrep, fgrep, find)
- awk
- shells (sh, csh, bash)
- autoconf, automake
Unix System API(Script) - processes: creation, destroy, properties
- threads
- process communication: IPC, sockets
- signals
- i/o operations with devices
- operations with files
- memory managment
Readings (Books): Unix Tools Unix System API | |