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Jens Nachtigall
PhD student
Graduate School METRIK,
funded by Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG)
Room 3.326, Lehrstuhl für Systemarchitektur
Johann von Neumann Haus, HU Berlin
Rudower Chaussee 25, 12489 Berlin
Jens.Nachtigall@informatik.hu-berlin.de |
Phone: (030) 2093-3125 |
Fax: (030) 2093-3112 |
Scientific Interests:
Earthquake Disaster Information System for the Marmara
Region, Turkey (EDIM), funded by
Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung (BMBF)
Seismic eArly warning For EuRope (SAFER),
funded by the EU
Humboldt Wireless Lab (HWL)
Berlin Roof Net (BRN)
The Self-organizing Seismic Early Warning Information Network
Short CV:
since 10/2008: PhD student
at the interdisciplinary graduate school of
METRIK (Model-Based
Development of Technologies for Self-Organizing Decentralized Information
Systems in Disaster Management). Dissertation thesis on "Wireless Alarming and
Routing Protocol for Community Seismic Networks"
2008: Master of Geography and
Computer Science at HU Berlin.
Final thesis graded with best possible mark of 1.0
2006 - 2008: Research assistant at
the German Research Centre for Geosciences
(GFZ Potsdam)
2003 - 2004: Year abroad at
University College London (UCL)
2000: Civilian service in a
psychiatry in Hamburg
1999: "Abitur" (i.e. secondary
education exams) at Fontane-Gymnasium Rangsdorf, final grade of 1.4
Nachtigall, J. and J.-P. Redlich
(2011). Wireless Alarming and Routing Protocol for Earthquake Early Warning
Systems. In: Proceedings of the 4th IFIP International Conference on
New Technologies, Mobility and Security (NTMS '11): Workshop on Wireless Sensor
Networks: theory and practice (WSN '11). 7-10 February 2011, Paris, France. (Conference
Fischer, J., F. Kühnlenz, I. Eveslage, K. Ahrens, J. Nachtigall, and B.
Lichtblau (2009). SAFER Deliverable D4.22:
Middleware for Geographical Applications.
Project Report.
Berlin, July 2009. (Project
Nachtigall, J.,
A. Zubow,
R. Sombrutzki,
and M. Picozzi (2009). The Challenges of using Wireless Mesh Networks for Earthquake Early Warning Systems.
In: MESH '09: Proceedings
of the Second International Conference on Advances in Mesh Networks. 18-23 June 2009,
Athens, Greece. (Conference
Paper, [cached
Nachtigall, J., A. Zubow, and J.-P. Redlich (2008). The Impact of
Adjacent Channel Interference in Multi-Radio Systems using IEEE 802.11.
In: IWCMC '08: Proceedings of the International Wireless Communications and
Mobile Computing Conference. 6th to 8th August 2008, Crete Island, Greece. (Conference
Fischer, J., F. Kühnlenz, I. Eveslage, K. Ahrens, J. Nachtigall, B. Lichtblau,
S. Heglmeier, and C. Milkereit (2008). SAFER
Deliverable D4.21: Develop Software for Network Connectivity.
Project Report. Berlin, June 2008. (Project
Lichtblau, B., J. Nachtigall, C. Milkereit, I. Veit, M. Picozzi, K.-H. Jäckel,
and M. Hönig (2008). SAFER Deliverable D4.20:
Sensor Node Prototype of Low Cost Sensor.
Project Report.
Berlin, June 2008.
Heglmeier, S., B. Lichtblau,
and J. Nachtigall (2008). The Self-Organizing Seismic Early Warning Information
Network. Conference poster, European
Geosciences Union (EGU) General Assembly, 15th to 20th April 2008,
Vienna, Austria. (Conference
Poster [cached version],
Nachtigall, J. (2008). Earthquake Information Systems using Wireless Mesh
Networks - Evaluation of Routing Metrics for Proactive Protocols in Multi-Radio
Multi-Channel Wireless Mesh Networks.
Master thesis. 143 pages, graded with best possible mark of 1.0. Geography
and Computer Science Department, Humboldt-University of Berlin.