
Middleware Platforms (Master)




RUD 26, 1.306,
RUD 26, 1.303,






RUD 26, 1.306,



Computer Science Department
Systems Architecture Group

Mündliche Prüfungen: 23.07. (Mittwoch) und 24.07. (Donnerstag)   [notfalls auch 25.07.]
Bitte melden Sie sich spätestens 10 Arbeitstage vorher im Sekretariat an (bei Frau Schoch, Zimmer 3.302).
Master benötigen dafür ein grünes Anmeldeformular (bei Frau Lindner erhältlich).

Abstract: Middleware provides a standardized infrastructure for distributed computing. It comprises standardized programming APIs, augmented by a set of core services that make it possible to develop and execute distributed applications in heterogeneous environments. The primary objectives of middleware are to foster application portability and application interoperability. Middleware is, roughly speaking, the software below the application and above the operating system / network. Common middleware platforms include, Java-RMI, CORBA, CORBA Components, and Java Beans.
  • Praktische Informatik, Master 10 SP
  • 2 lectures per week, over one semester (4SWS VL + 2SWS UE).
  • Offered regularly, usually in summer, at least once every two years.
  • Prerequisites: GdP, preferably also "Operating Systems Principles I".

Credits and grading:

  • Oral examinations are offered by the instructor at the end of the semester, and at the beginning of the following semester.
  • To qualify for the examination, students have to complete lab assignments to the satisfaction of the teaching assistant.

Lab (Übung):

  • Labs are scheduled every 2 weeks at the time and place specified above. A teaching assistant will be present at each lab to assist students with questions and problems.
  • Participation (physical presence) at the lab is mandatory in order to obtain credits for the assignment.
  • A lab worksheet will be published on this web site a few days before the corresponding lab is scheduled (usually Friday). Students should use this time to adequately prepare for the lab.
  • Results have to be submitted via GOYA for grading. Submission deadlines are specified on the worksheets (usually 14 days after the assignment was published).
  • Worksheets: [lab1], [lab2], [lab3], [lab4], [lab5]
  • Slides: [lab1], [lab2], [lab3], [lab4], [lab5]
  • Deadlines:


   A. Introduction
Robert C. Martin. Clean Code: A Handbook of Agile Software Craftsmanship. 2008.
   B. Java Remote Method Invocation (RMI)
  • Remote Interfaces and Remote Objects, Parameter passing, Development Process
    lecture slides
SUN's RMI tutorial  [] [cached pdf]
Java RMI by W. Grosso, O'Reilly, 2002, ISBN 1-565-92452-5
   C. CORBA (Common Object Request Broker Architecture)
Jens-Peter Redlich. Corba 2.0. Praktische Einführung für C++ und Java. ISBN 3827310601
Jon Siegel. CORBA 3 - Fundamentals and Programming. ISBN 0471295183
The Rise and Fall of CORBA
ORB interoperability (IONA/Orbix handbook chapter)
   D. WebServices
   E. Enterprise Java Beans (EJB)
EJB Specification, 3.0,
Enterprise JavaBeans 3.0 by B. Burke, R. M.-Haefel, Covers EJB 3.0, ISBN 0-596-00978-X   (do not take the 3.1 version!)
Java Message Service by R. Monson-Haefel, D. Chappell, O'Reilly, ISBN 0-596-00068-5
   F. Microsoft .NET    (optional - not covered in lecture)
§Howard Gilbert – .NET Framework
§Microsoft .NET: Implement a Custom Common Language Runtime Host for Your Managed App
§Narayana Rao Surapaneni – Programming Basics in Intermediate Language
.NET Remoting – Design and Develop Seamless Distributed Applications for the Common Language Runtime
Microsoft .NET Remoting: A Technical Overview [cached pdf]
Jeffrey M. Richter. Microsoft .NET Framework-Programmierung in C#. Expertenwissen zur CLR und dem .NET Framework 2.0. 2006. ISBN: 3860639846.
McLean, Naftel, Williams - Microsoft .NET Remoting
Komponentenprogr. und Middleware (VL)
Univ. of Toronto
Course ECE1770 (spring 2001
Douglas C. Schmidt
CORBA home page

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