Synopsis:- Seminar, Praktische Informatik
- 2h each week, 2 SWS
- Students will present a selection of papers that will help you understand which threats exist, judge their significance and learn methods to defend your system against hackers. In addition you will explore the mathematical underpinnings of today's most common security tools and protocols.
Credits: In order to obtain credits for this seminar, participants are expected to: - Is possible for Bachelor.
- This seminar can be combined with "VL IT-Sicherheit Grundlagen" "Modul mit Seminar (BSEM)" zur Studienordnung Bachelor Informatik (Mono-Bachelor) [link]
- Attend regularly (at least 80%).
- Read each paper before the seminar, to be adequately prepared for discussion.
- Research an assigned subject; present major findings (30 min presentation; 15 min discussion).
- Presentations will be evaluated by two members of the audience at the end of each class (Bewertungskriterien-Seminarvortrag.pdf).
- Presenters summarize their in a term paper (German or English).
The paper should have 6 .. 10 pages (without counting the references), and should contain, abstract, motivation, related work, presentation of topic, conclusion and references. - Presentations may be given in German or English.
Prerequisites: - This seminar is suitable for students of all technical science disciplines who have previously completed courses "GdP" and "algorithms and data structures" or equivalent.
Topics (14/20 assigned): - ---Post Quantum Cryptography---
- Motivation und Survey (Grover, Shor, Timeline, Recommendations, Challenge) [pdf][NIST]
- Quantum Cryptography [pdf:Kapitel 4][pdf] (Carl)
- HASH-based Signatures [https][pdf] (Juri)
- FALCON [html][pdf][code]
- CRYSTALS-KYBER [html][pdf][git] (Tom F.)
- Attack on SIKE [sarwiki](sehr sehr anspruchsvoll)
---Private or Anonymous Communication: Tools, Building blocks & Limits--- - Password Hashing [html][git][pdf]
- One-TIME-Passwords [RFC6238][RFC4226][https]
- TOR the onion router [pdf][Attack: pdf][Datagram: pdf] (Anna)
- openPGP [RFC][Handbook GNUpg pdf]
- OTR Off-the-Record Messaging Protocol (version 3) [https]
- Signal [https][https][git] (Benjamin)
- Kryptografie mit elliptischen Kurven, ECDSA [pdf] {Clemens}
- Dragonfly Key Exchange [RFC]
- VeraCrypt [https][Probleme]
---Authentication: Techniques and Tokens--- - Mozilla Sync 1.5 API (Theory and Praxis) [https][https]
- WebAuthn / FIDO2 / U2F / [W3C][Video][https][WireShark-dissector][Demo]
- Direct Anonymous Attestation (DAA) [pdf]
- One TPM to Bind Them All: Fixing TPM 2.0 for Provably Secure Anonymous Attestation [pdf] (mathematisch anspruchsvoll)
---German electronic IDs--- - ePASS [ICAO] (Tom A.)
- nPA: PACE, EAC [TR-03110] (Jan)
- Digital Seal / JAB-Code [TR-03137-2]
---Payment--- - Bitcoin [whitepaper]
- Ethereum [whitepaper][guide]
- Monero [html] (Cole)
---Network--- - WLAN WPA-2 KRACK [https][pdf] (David)
- Bluetooth Pairing / KNOB-Attack [Specification / 4.2 Security, 4.2.2 Pairing] [https] (Philipp)
- TLS 1.3 [blog][RFC]
- TLS Revocation Mechanismen (CRL, OCSP, OCSP-stapling) in Theorie & Praxis [https]
- OpenVPN [pdf][https][https][https] (Mateusz)
- WireGuard VPN [pdf] (Israa)
- E2E Encryption for Zoom Meetings [pdf]
- --- (further topics are possible, also own interesting suggestions are welcome) ---
- Advanced Social Engineering Attacks [pdf] (Jonathan)
- Decentralized Identifiers [https]
- Verifying COVID-19-QR-Codes (QR -->base45-->uncompress-->cose-->CBOR) [https][git]
Syllabus: Date | Presenters | Topic | Slides | 16.10.23 | | dies academicus | | 23.10.23 | | bootstrap / assignment of topics | [pdf] | 30.10.23 | (optional) | consultation (fine tuning of topics) | | 06.11.23 | all | elevator speeches | | 13.11.23 | Jonathan Tom F. | Advanced Social Engineering Attacks CRYSTALS-KYBER | | 20.11.23 | Carl Juri | Quantum Cryptography HASH-based Signatures | | 27.11.23 | Tom A. Jan | ePASS nPA | | 04.12.23 | David Philipp | WLAN WPA-2 KRACK Bluetooth Pairing / KNOB-Attack | | 11.12.23 | Cole Jonathan | Monero Advanced Social Engineering Attacks | | 18.12.23 | Tom A. Jan | ePASS nPA | | 08.01.24 | Cole Jonathan | Monero Advanced Social Engineering Attacks | | 15.01.24 | Mateusz Israa | OpenVPN WireGuard | | 22.01.24 | | OMNISECURE 2024 | | 29.01.24 | Anna Benjamin Jonathan | TOR Signal Advanced Social Engineering Attacks | | 05.02.24 | | FIDO Plenum Madrid | | 12.02.24 | Tom A. Mateusz Israa Benjamin Anna | ePASS OpenVPN WireGuard Signal TOR | |
Recent / Incoming:
Further Readings (Research@SAR & Books): | |