Abstract: Wireless ad hoc networks (also referred to as packet radio
networks and multi-hop radio networks) consist of mobile nodes
communicating over a shared wireless channel. Contrary to cellular
networks, where the nodes are restricted to communicate with a set of
carefully placed base stations, in wireless ad hoc networks there are no
base stations; any two nodes are allowed to communicate directly if they
are close enough, and nodes must use multi-hop routing to deliver their
packets to distant destinations.
The lack of wired infrastructure, the nature of the
wireless channel, and the mobility of the nodes create many challenging
problems in the link, network, and higher layers of the network protocol
On the other hand, the lack of wired infrastructure and their topology
make these networks ideal for many applications, from personal area
networks, to search and rescue operations, to massive networks of
millions of sensors. It is therefore expected that, once all the
technological issues are solved, wireless ad hoc networks will become an
integral part of our society's communication network infrastructure.
- Seminar, Praktische Informatik, Hauptstudium.
- 2h each week, over one semester (2 SWS).
- Participants who want to obtain credits (Seminarschein)
for this seminar are expected to work in groups of 1-2 students.
Each group must:
- Give a 5-10 minutes elevator speech of their
1st topic.
- Give a 75 minutes presentation of their 1st
topic, followed by up to 15 minutes discussion with the
- Give a 5-10 minutes elevator speech of a 2nd
- Give a 30 minutes conference-style
presentations of the 2nd topic.
Syllabus (tentative):
Introduction (Redlich) |
(1) |
Basics: 802.11 MAC; RTS,CTS, DCF,PCF
Assignments of Topics/Papers to Students |
Round I
(long/seminar talks / seminar talks) |
(Basic) Routing
Principles |
(3) |
The New Routing Algorithm for the ARPANET
Distance Vector Routing (Bellmann-Ford):
RIPv1 (RFC1058), RIPv2 (RFC2453)
LSR (Link State Routing; Dijkstra; proactive)
Optional: DSDV (Destination-Sequenced Distance Vector
routing; proactive) [Bhagwat] |
802.11 Link-Level
Measurements |
(4) |
Link-level Measurements from 802.11b mesh
networks [aguayo04]
Architecture and evaluation of an unplanned 802.11b mesh network [Bicket05] |
Routing in Wireless
Mesh Networks |
(5) |
Classics: DSR (Dynamic Source Routing; reactive)
Classics: AODV (Ad-hoc On-demand Distance Vector
routing; reactive) [Perkins] |
(6) |
Improved: OSLR (Optimized Link-State Routing) [rfc3626]
Comparing AODV and OLSR Routing Protocols [Huhtonen04]
Improved: ETX [DeCouto03] |
Performance |
(7) |
The broadcast Storm problem [Ni99]
Capacity of Ad-Hoc Wireless Networks [Gupta00] |
(8) |
TCP performance in wireless networks [Holland]
Split TCP [Kopparty02] |
Advanced Forwarding
Techniques |
(9) |
Opportunistic Routing [Biswas]
DART: Dynamic Address RouTing [Eriksson06] |
Round II |
Auto-Configuration |
(11) |
(a) Using link attestations to manage
failures [Freedman06]
(b) User-Relative Names for Globally Connected Personal Devices [Ford06] |
Smart Content
Distribution |
(12) |
(a) ChunkCast: An Anycast Service for
Large Content Distribution [Chun06]
(b) Anatomy of a P2P Content Distribution system with Network Coding [Gkant06] |
Content Distribution /
Social aspects / Protection against selfish usage |
(13) |
(a) Tribler: A social-based Peer-to-Peer
system [Pouw06]
(b) Exploiting BitTorrent for fun (but not profit) [Liogkas06]
(c) Robust Incentives via Multi-level Tit-for-tat [Lian06] |
Further (suggested) Readings:
- John Jubin, Janet D.Tornow. The DARPA Packet Radio Network
Protocols. [
(paper from 1986, presenting one of the first packet radio networks)
Roger Marks. IEEE Standard 802.16: A Technical
Overview of the WirelessMAN™
Air Interface for Broadband Wireless Access. [Marks02]
Date |
Presenter |
Topic |
Slides |
19.10. |
Redlich |
Introduction. Assigment of
Topics |
26.10. |
no class
- use time to read
papers |
02.11. |
09.11. |
16.11. |
23.11 |
30.11. |
07.12. |
14.12. |
04.01. |
11.01. |
18.01. |
25.01. |
01.02. |
08.02. |
15.02. |