| |  Jens-Peter Redlich, Univ-Prof. Dr. rer. nat.
Head, Systems Architecture Group Computer Science Institute Humboldt University Berlin, Germany
Room 3.301
Short BIO: - Director of the Computer Science Institute, Humboldt University Berlin, 2006-2009.
- (Full/C4) Professor for Systems Architecture, Computer Science Institute, Humboldt University Berlin, 2004.
- Department Head, Mobile Internet, NEC Laboratories America, Princeton, U.S.A., 2000-2004.
- Research Staff Member, NEC C&C Research Labs, Princeton U.S.A., 1998.
- Visiting Scientist, NEC C&C Research Labs, Princeton, U.S.A., 1997.
- Assistant Professor (wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter), Computer Science, Humboldt University Berlin, 1996.
- Ph.D. in Computer Science (Dr. rer. nat.), Humboldt University Berlin, 1995.
- Graduate Exchange Student, City College New York (138th street), New York, 1992.
- Master of Science, Humboldt University Berlin, 1992.
- Nationally accredited school specialized in Mathematics and Physics (12th class, Abitur), Berlin.
- Primary School (Polytechnische Oberschule - 10th class) in Wittenberge / Germany.
Research Interest: - self-organizing systems (802.11 wireless mesh networks, ad-hoc community networks, IP networks for challenged environments)
- middleware architectures (CORBA, .NET, Enterprise Java Beans)
- embedded systems, architecture and software engineering
- security engineering, reputation management, cryptography
- application areas: (geo-) disaster management systems, (geo-) early warning systems, production of clean energy and preservation of natural resources.
Public Service: - IEEE LCN Workshop on Network Measurements (WNM 2008) in Montreal, TPC member.
- ICCSC 2008 in Shanghai, TPC member.
- IEEE LCN Workshop on Network Measurements (WMN'2007), TPC member.
- Pervasive University (PerU 2007), GI Workshop, TPC member.
- IBM Mainframe Summit 2007, General Chair.
- IEEE OpComm2006 International Workshop, General Chair.
- IEEE LCN Workshop on Network Measurements (WNM'2006), TPC member.
- ICC 2006, Istanbul, TPC member.
- ICC 2005, Seaul, TPC member.
- Mobicom 2004: Industrial Liaison Chair and TPC member.
- WCNC 2004: TPC member.
- AMS 2003: TPC member.
- OpenArch 2002: Publications Chair and TPC member.
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