
 Advanced Operating System Principles
(Seminar 2 SWS)

Do, 15:00-16:30, RUD 26, 1.305

Instructor: Prof. Jens-Peter Redlich

Computer Science Department
Systems Architecture Group


Abstract: Survey of operating systems covering: early systems, virtual memory, protection, synchronization, process management, scheduling, input/output, file systems, virtual machines, performance analysis, software engineering, user interfaces, distributed systems, networks, current operating systems, case studies. Survey of research papers from classic literature through contemporary research.
  • Project Seminar, Praktische Informatik.
  • 2h each week, over one semester (2 SWS).
  • Target Audience: Students who are interested in advanced topics of operating systems research.

How the seminar will be conducted / Credits and grading:

In addition to discussing the technical (computer science) content, it is the goal of this seminar that you learn to speak in front of an audience, learn to convey ideas effectively, learn to accept feedback from the audience and use it to improve your work. The purpose of the "elevator presentation" is to (try to) express a great idea in a very short time - a skill that is certainly useful in your future professional life (it also gives your fellow student's an idea what's to come).

  • Topics will be firmly assigned to interested students during the first meeting.
  • During the next two meetings, every student (presenter) gives a 15 minutes elevator presentation (summary preview) of his/her topic. The audience will provide feedback regarding style and content.
  • In the following weeks we'll have presentations; 1 or 2 peer meeting. Presentations will be evaluated by two members of the audience at the end of each class (Bewertungskriterien-Seminarvortrag.pdf). Please consider the following advice (copied from Prof. W. Reisig's seminar "Beauty is our business"): How to give a good talk? (German)
  • Presentations may be given in English or in German. All documents are in English (exceptions may be granted). A PowerPoint template can be obtained here .
  • Presenters summarize their presentation and relevant discussion on the Seminar's WIKI page within 2 weeks.
  • To obtain credits for this seminar, you are expected to attend regularily.


  • Successful completion of PI-1,2,3.
  • Operating Systems Principles (lecture) - or equivalent..



01: Kernel Structures - Mach, Chorus

02: Kernel Structures -  L4, mu-kernels

03: Kernel Structure -  Exokernel

04: Kernel Structure -  seL4, Singularity

05: Reliable Booting

06: Concepts for Distributed Systems

07: Distributed Shared Memory

08: (local) File Systems

09: Distributed File Systems (1)

10: Distributed File Systems (2)

11: Aspects in Web Services execution environments

12: HW Virtualization


-- alternative material from previous years --

  1. Singularity & Processes Sealing & Software Isolated Process - software platform designed from scratch for dependability
  2. Byzantine & RAID - making systems fault tolerant.
  3. CFS & NFS - distributed filesystems, LAN and WAN.
  4. CDN & Chash - content distribution networks and consistent hashing
  5. DSM & RPC - distributed shared memory and remote procedure calls
  6. Debox & DTrace - kernel debugging
  7. Energy & DVS - energy efficiency and dynamic voltage scaling
  8. ESX & DISCO - virtual machines
  9. Flash & Harvest - Fast servers - web and proxy
  10. GMS & LOCUS - Global memory
  11. IO-Lite & fbufs - buffering systems inside the OS
  12. kqueue & select - fast event notification systems
  13. L4 & Exokernel - stripped down kernels
  14. LARD & Network Dispatcher - cluster request distribution
  15. Lottery & Clock - scheduling
  16. Metal & Synthesis - error detection, dynamic code generation
  17. Plan9 & Plan9 Names - plan 9 distributed OS
  18. Resource & Scout - kernel resource management
  19. SEDA & Scheduler Activations - managing parallelism
  20. Soft-Updates & LFS - file system restructuring
  21. SPIN & VINO - extensible kernels
  22. UVM & Mach - virtual memory restructuring
  23. Xen & Denali - virtualization, para-virtualization
  24. XFS & FFS - advanced file systems



20.10.  Redlich  Einführung; Themenauswahl für Block 1 -

Kein Seminar - Zeit für Literaturstudium

03.11.   alle Vortragenden  5x Elevator-Speech (je 10 Minuten)  
10.11.  Stange Vincent,
 Ritzschke Uwe
 01: Kernel Structures - Mach, Chorus [slides]
17.11.  Schlick Andreas,
 Heimes Steffen
 02: Kernel Structures - L4, mu-kernels [slides]
24.11.  Asher, David
 Frenzel Alexander
 03: Kernel Structure - Exokernel [slides]
01.12.  Wilde Benjamin
 Völker Mario
 04: Kernel Structure - seL4, Singularity [slides]
08.12.  Springer Alexander
 Lipka Carsten
 06: Concepts for Distributed Systems  
05.01.  Springer Alexander
 Lipka Carsten
 06: Concepts for Distributed Systems
      (Teil 2)
12.01.   alle Vortragenden  5x Elevator-Speech (je 10 Minuten)  
19.01.  Asher, David
 Frenzel Alexander
 BTRFS [slides]
26.01.  Schlick Andreas,
 Heimes Steffen
 08: (local) File Systems [slides]
02.02. --  -- fällt aus --  
09.02.  Stange Vincent,
 Ritzschke Uwe

 Springer Alexander
 Lipka Carsten
 09: Distributed File Systems (1)

 10: Distributed File Systems (2)




16.02.  Wilde Benjamin
 Völker Mario
 Map Reduce  [slides]
Book: Silberschatz
OS Principles
Open VMS
HP Documentation
Prof. Polze: Operating Systems Principles
Dr. Bell: Unix System Architecture

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