2005 |
Mobile Communication Systems
(half-course, 4VL + 2 PR)
VL: |
Tue, |
09:30-11:00, |
RUD 26, 1.303, |
Prof. J.-P. Redlich |
Thu, |
09:30-11:00, |
RUD 26, 1.306, |
Prof. J.-P. Redlich |
PR: |
Tue, |
11:15-12:45, |
RUD 25, 3.418, |
Dr. Göller |

Computer Science Department
Systems Architecture Group |
Lecture (Vorlesung) | Lab (Praktikum) |
Advanced Lab (Praktikum für Leistungsgruppe)
Prüfungen (jeweils 30 Minuten,
mündlich, ohne Vorbereitungszeit):
Mobile communication is revolutionizing the way in which we carry out
the tasks of our daily lives. At the center of this new experience are
technologies for access, viewing, control, and printing of multimedia
documents, databases, and video; augmented with security mechanisms for
mobile environments and mobile e-commerce.
This course provides practical and general knowledge
concerning wireless and mobile network architectures. After this
course you should have some knowledge of these architectures and
understand the basic principles behind them. You should be able to
read the current literature at the level of conference papers in
this area.
- Half-Course, Praktische Informatik, Hauptstudium.
- Offered regularly, at least once every two years, usually
in spring.
- 2 lectures per week, 2h each, over one semester
(4SWS VL).
- 1 lab (Praktikum) per week, 2h each, over one
semester (2SWS PR).
Credits and grading:
- There will be a few, short, unannounced,
closed-book quizzes to verify your existence and to test your
understanding. These will be worth 40 percent of the final grade.
- An announced final examination will be
given at he end of the semester. It will cover all of the relevant
readings and material presented and discussed in class. It will be
worth 60 percent of the course grade.
- To qualify for the final examination, you have to complete all
lab assignments to the satisfaction of the teaching assistant.
- Regular class attendance is expected; frequent
absences are grounds for a failing grade regardless of other
performance. You may be missing for up to 1 lecture per
semester without prior
and reasonable excuse. 'prior' means notification
by email before the end of business the day before the lecture.
'reasonable' means sickness or study-related events that
require your attendance.
- Lectures begin on time. Students arriving
more than 10 minutes late will not be admitted to the
lecture and will be counted as 'missing' that day.
- Successful completion
of PI-1.
- At least one semester attendance of
the 'Development Tools and System Administration in Unix' half-course.
Syllabus - Lecture:
- Introduction
- [April 12,14] Introduction
- General orientation, ASN.1 (Prof. Redlich)
- [April 19,21,26] Lab preparation (Praktikumsvorbereitung)
- Quick
introduction to ISDN, GSM, GPRS, UMTS (Dr. Göller)
- Internetworking and Routing (5)
- Network basics
- Switching and Forwarding
- IP packets and IP addresses
- Routing
- TCP and UDP (application level multiplexing)
- Berkeley Socket API (2)
- Elementary TCP Sockets - Client/Server example
- Elementary UDP Sockets
- Raw Sockets (ICMP, Ping)
- Packet Sockets
- Resource Management (3)
- Congestion Control
- Quality of Service (QoS)
- Network Services (3)
- Basic: DHCP, DNS
- Advanced: Multicast, Reliable Multicast
- Very Advanced: Content Distribution Networks (CDN)
- Multihop Wireless Networks (3)
- Wireless MAC – CSMA/CA, hidden terminal problem, RTS/CTS
- Wireless Routing – Basic and advanced concepts
- Wireless Broadcast Problem
- Advanced Forwarding: Opportunistic Routing, Directed
- Mobility (2)
- Security (1)
- Privacy, Authenticity: SSL, VPN
- DoS
- Internet Telephony (1)
- 3G and beyond Mobile Networks (2)
- Lab recap
- IMS Platform
- Satellite Communication
- Interplanetary Internet
Syllabus - Lab (Praktikum):
Advanced Lab (for selected students only)
Offered as an alternative to the regular
lab (see above).
04/14/2005 [A2
- ASN.1 Tagging.pdf] [A3
- ASN-1 and XML.pdf]
04/19/2005 [ISDN-Vorlesung.pdf] [GSM-Vorlesung.pdf]
04/21/2005 [GPRS-Vorlesung.pdf]
04/26/2005 [UMTS-Vorlesung.pdf]
04/28/2005 [ntroduction
to Networking.pdf]
May 2005 [Packet Switching.pdf] [IP packets and IP
Addresses.pdf] [Routing.pdf] [TCP.pdf]
June 2005 [Berkeley
Sockets.pdf] [Congestion
Control.pdf] [Quality
of Service.pdf]
June 2005 [DHCP.pdf]
July 2005 [Wireless
Ad-Hoc Networks.pdf] [F2
- 802.11 Architecture.pdf]
July 2005 [Cellular
Suggested Readings:
Web Links
- Click here for a list
of Mobile Networks related links.
(you may find good deals at or
- Yi-Bing Lin, Imrich Chlamtac. Wireless and
Mobile Network Architectures. John Wiley & Sons; ISBN:
- A.Tanenbaum. Computer Networks 4th Edition. [book
home page].
Papers and drafts