| Abstract:
'Berlin Roof Net' is a project run by volunteer students of the
Computer Science Department at Humboldt University Berlin. The project's goal is to
construct a network of nodes (access points) which share Internet access over
wireless radio connections. The access points are run independently by the
students with their own equipment. The project was inspired by the MIT RoofNet
project in Boston, USA. In this seminar we will study the core technologies of
the Berlin RoofNet project, ranging from wireless communication in general,
over the 802.11 MAC protocol, to (opportunistic) routing protocols for
wireless multi-hop networks; but also including software development tools
for the Netgear MIPS router hardware, and network simulator(s).
http://www.olsrexperiment.de |
- Seminar, Praktische Informatik, Hauptstudium.
- 2h each week, over one semester (2 SWS).
- Target Audience: Students who are interested in
the technologies behind the Berlin Roof Net project and who want to
acquire the basic knowledge necessary to participate in the project.
Credits and grading:
In order to obtain credits for this seminar, participants are expected to:
- Attend regularly (at least 90%).
- Read each paper before the seminar, to be adequately prepared for
- Research an assigned subject; present
major findings (45 min presentation; 30 min
- Presentations will be evaluated by two members of
the audience at the end of each class (Bewertungskriterien-Seminarvortrag.pdf).
- Presenters summarize their presentation and relevant
discussion on the
Seminar's WIKI page within 2 weeks.
- Presentations may be given in English or German. All documents are in
English (exceptions may be granted).
Prerequisites: - Successful completion of
- Introduction
- Berlin RoofNet - Overview
- Properties of the Wireless Medium
- [1] Architecture and evaluation of an
unplanned 802.11b mesh network, J. Bicket, D. Aguayo, s. Biswas,
and R. Morris, AcM Mobicom 2005 (link)
- [2] Link-level measurements from an 802.11b
mesh network, D. Aguayo, J. Bicket, S. Biswas, G. Judd, and R.
Morris, Proc. of ACM SIGCOMM, September 2004 (link)
- [3] Capacity of Ad Hoc Wireless Networks,
Jinyang Li, Charles Blake, Douglas S. J., Hu Imm Lee and Robert
Morris, Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on
Mobile Computing and Networking, July 2001 (link)
- [4] Multi-Channel Link-level Measurements in
802.11 Mesh Networks, Mathias Kurth, Anatolij Zubow and
Jens-Peter Redlich, IWCMC, July 2006 (link)
- Network Structures
[IEEE 802.11]
- Traditional 802.11 (infrastructure/ad-hoc mode,
802.11 frame structure, encryption)
- Ad-hoc multi-hop mesh networks (de-centralized,
- Medium Access Control
- [5] MACAW: A Media Access Protocol for Wireless
LAN's, Vaduvur Bharghavan, Alan J. Demers, Scott Shenker and
Lixia Zhang, SIGCOMM, 1994 (link)
- [6] MACA - A New Channel Access Method for Packet
Radio, Phil Karn (link)
- 802.11 MAC (RTS/CTS, DCF/PCF)
- [7] A Multi-channel MAC Protocol for Ad Hoc
Wireless Networks, J. So and N. Vaidya, Technical report, Dept.
of Comp. Science, Univ. of Illinois at Urbana-Chamapign, June
2003 (link)
- Routing
- [8] Dynamic Source Routing in Ad Hoc Wireless
Networks, David B Johnson and David A Maltz, Mobile Computing,
Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1996 (link)
- [9] Ad-hoc on-demand distance vector routing,
C. Perkins, MILCOM 1997 (link)
- [10] Opportunistic Routing in MultiHop
Wireless Networks, Sanjit Biswas and Robert Morris, Proceedings
of the Second Workshop on Hot Topics in Networking (HotNets-II),
Cambridge, Massachusetts, November 2003 (link)
- [11] Opportunistic Routing in Multi-Hop
Wireless Networks, Sanjit Biswas and Robert Morris, SIGCOMM
2005, Aug. 2005 (link)
- [12] A Routing Protocol for Utilizing
Multiple Channels in Multi-Hop Wireless Networks with a Single
Transceiver, Jungmin So and Nitin Vaidya, Technical Report,
October 2004 (link)
- Network Simulation
- Java in Simulation Time (JiST)
/ Scalable Wireless Ad hoc Network Simulator (SWANS)
- Network Simulator (NS2)
- Radio model (Ns2), MAC-layer, Routing (DSR,
AODV, comparison in
NS2), topology
realization in JiST
- [13] Connectivity in the presence of
Shadowing in 802.11 Ad Hoc Networks, Patrick Stuedi, Oscar
Chinellato and Gustavo Alonso, IEEE Communications Society /
WCNC, 2005 (link)
- TCP/IP in Wireless Multi-Hop Networks
- [14] Analysis of TCP Performance over Mobile
Ad Hoc Networks, Gavin Holland and Nitin Vaidya, Wireless
Networks, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2002 (link)
[15] Split TCP for Mobile Ad Hoc Networks,
Swastik Kopparty, Srikanth V. Krishnamurthy, Michalis Faloutsos
and Satish K. Tripathi, Proceedings of IEEE GLOBECOM, 2002 (link)
realization in JiST
- [16] The Click Modular Router (link)
- [17] MultiMAC - An Adaptive MAC Framework for
Dynamic Radio Networking, Christian Doerr, Michael Neufeld, Jeff
Fifield, Troy Weingart, Douglas C. Sicker, and Dirk Grunwald (link)
- [18] MultiMAC - An Adaptive MAC Framework for
Dynamic Radio Networking, Christian Doerr, Michael Neufeld, Jeff
Fifield, Troy Weingart, Douglas C. Sicker, and Dirk Grunwald (link)
- [19] Click for Measurement, Eddie Kohler,
Technical Report, February 2006 (link)
Information Distribution in Wireless Multi-Hop
- [20] The Broadcast Storm Problem in a Mobile
Ad Hoc Network, Sze-Yao Ni, Yu-Chee Tseng, Yuh-Shyan Chen, and
Jang-Ping Sheu, Mobicom, 1999 (link)
- [21] Chord: A Scalable Peer-to-peer Lookup
Service for Internet Applications, Ion Stoica, Robert Morris,
David Karger, M. Frans Kaashoek and Hari Balakrishnan,
SIGCOMM’01, August 2001, (link)
- [22] DART: Dynamic Address RouTing for
Scalable Ad Hoc and Mesh Networks, Jakob Eriksson, Michalis
Faloutsos and Srikanth Krishnamurthy, INFOCOM (link)
Network coding
- [23] Network Coding: The Case of Multiple
Unicast Sessions (link)
- [24] Practical Network Coding, P. A. Chou, Y.
Wu, and K. Jain, October 2003 (link)
- [25] Efficient Operation of Wireless Packet
Networks Using Network Coding, Desmond S. Lun, Muriel Medard,
and Ralf Koetter, IWCT, 2005 (link)
- [26] Network Coding for Wireless
Applications: A Brief Tutorial, Supratim Deb, Michelle Effros,
Tracey Ho, David R. Karger, Ralf Koetter, Desmond S. Lun, Muriel
Medard, and Niranjan Ratnakar (link)
Assignments (Themenvergabe):
Date |
Presenter |
Topic |
Slides |
24.Apr |
A. Zubow |
Introduction (Berlin RoofNet) |
01.May |
official holiday |
08.May |
Florian L., Andreas W. |
Properties of the Wireless Medium |
15.May |
Matthias B. |
Network Structures |
22.May |
Maria Ts., Artur Fröhlich |
Medium Access Control |
29.May |
Robert Hildrich, Ronald Kluth |
Routing (ExOR, MCRP) |
05.Jun |
official holiday |
12.Jun |
O. Friedrich |
Network Simulation |
19.Jun |
T.Kalaydjiev |
26.Jun |
Robert G. |
Evaluation |
03.Jul |
Denitsa Ivanova, Juan N. |
Information Distribution |
10.Jul |
Robert Sombrutzki |
DHT-based Services |
17.Jul |
Network Coding |