
Security Engineering
[32 243] Seminar, 2 SWS

Instructor: Dr. Wolf Müller
Tuesday, 13:15 - 14:45, RUD 26, Room 1.308

Computer Science Department
Systems Architecture Group


Abstract: As a user of the Internet, you are fortunate to be tied into the world's greatest communication and information exchange - but not without a price. As a result of this connection, your computer, your organization's network, and everywhere the network reaches are all vulnerable to potentially disastrous infiltration by hackers. [W. Cheswick. Firewalls and Internet Security] 
  • Seminar, Praktische Informatik, Hauptstudium.
  • 2h each week, over one semester (2 SWS).
  • Students will present a selection of papers that will help you understand which threats exist, judge their significance and learn methods to defend your system against hackers. In addition you will explore the mathematical underpinnings of today's most common security tools and protocols. But most of all you will learn that there is no absolute security - i.e. your will have to learn ways to detect security breaches and recover from them.


  In order to obtain credits for this seminar, participants are expected to:

  • Attend regularly (at least 90%).
  • Read each paper before the seminar, to be adequately prepared for discussion.
  • Research an assigned subject; present major findings (45 min presentation; 30 min discussion).
  • Presentations will be evaluated by two members of the audience at the end of each class (Bewertungskriterien-Seminarvortrag.pdf).
  • Presenters summarize their presentation and relevant discussion on the Seminar's WIKI page within 2 weeks.
  • Presentations may be given in English or German. All documents are in English (exceptions may be granted).


  • This seminar is suitable for students of all technical science disciplines who have previously completed courses PI 1,2,3 or equivalent.



  Anonymization of Networks

Presentation assignments:

Usually 60 minutes talk + 30 minutes discussion except if 2 talks are scheduled then 2 x (40 minutes talk + 5 min discussion)

Please use the PowerPoint [pot] or the OpenOffice [otp] template for your presentation!

17.04.07Dr. Wolf Müllerbootstrap / assignment of topics 
24.04.07 preparation of elevator speech 
01.05.07 holiday 
08.05.07All of youelevator speeches, 6 min per team 
15.05.07D. Oepen, D. ReinertComparison SSL/TLS, TLS for multiple virtual hostspdf,odp
22.05.07D. Uhlig, E. NeumannSecret Handshakespdf,odp
29.05.07C. Krause, M. Chiousemoglou RSA, DSA Signatures, Elliptic Curve Cryptographypdf,odp
J. Rycko, W. Wojcikiewicz Blinding Signaturespdf,odp
05.06.07M. Fuessel, D. SchneiderReceiver Anonymitypdf,odp
12.06.07R. Rehak, R. Scherer Breaking 104 bit WEP in less than 60 secondspdf,odp
T. J. Hartmann, Burghard GütherAircrack-ptw-DEMO, 802.11i, WPA-Designpdf,odp
19.06.07C. Rudolf, G. WittchenFreeheaven Projectpdf,odp
26.06.07H. Pirk, B. PollexFreenetpdf
03.07.07 IBM Mainframes Summit  
10.07.07D. Sait, M. Schulze Tarzanpdf,odp
17.07.07A. Hormozdiary, E. Redlin TORpdf,odp

Further Readings (Books):

Ross Anderson's home page
Bruce Schneier
home page
Safe Personal Computing
Computer Security Information
Computer Security Resource Center
Federal Information Processing Standards Publications (FIPS)
Bundesamt für Sicherheit in der Informationstechnik
The Biometric Consortium
Overview (german)
OS specific
CrypTool (de)

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