| | Security and Reputation Summary:
The number of IT devices in use is continuously increasing. For all these devices security policies must be defined - which creates a tremendous management burden. New strategies to keep this task simple and yet effective are needed.
End-user Created Content and Community Services (platforms) can create great value - but could also do great harm if malicious users flood such systems with valueless information (or even with intentionally incorrect information).Reputation systems try to mitigate these risks by keeping track of (real) user's past behavior and using this information for making a prediction of the quality of new content provided by that user.Competency Profile:- Reputation Management
- Anonymization Techniques
- Identity Management
- Cryptography
- Security in Wireless Networks (specifically: Wireless Mesh Networks)
- ARM4SNS (Anonymous Reputation Management for Social Network Services) [more]
Is a project funded by and conducted in collaboration with NEC Laboratories Heidelberg. More information upon request.
SPAN (Secure Personal Area Networks) [more]

Is a project funded by and conducted in collaboration with NEC Laboratories Heidelberg. More information upon request. TeachingPublications2006
Contacts: Wolf Müller, Jens-Peter Redlich